
On the discernment of spirits

Tomáš Josef Špidlík, S.J. was a Czech prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He was a Jesuit priest and theologian. Pope John Paul II made him a Cardinal in 2003. Recorded in 1998 at spiritual exercises for priests. Intro We will talk about what it means to feel and to  taste spirituality as St Ignatius says. Feel and experience, we could say, and for that we will look into the spirituality of the heart.  There's quite a bit published on the spirituality of the heart by now.            That's only a recent thing, though. When I started writing my first book on the heart, it was before the council. My censor wouldn't approve it. He was adamant.  The delegate back then was Father Arnaud, the older ones will know of him. The metaphysicist. He kept supporting me. "Don't back down, don't back down, don't back down, don't give in to the censor." I kept lots of courage thanks to his support and refused to back down.  Well, since the censor didn&#